We were lucky enough to be gifted some cougar meat from some close friends of ours, and I have been...
Those who explored and mapped out our great nation had no GPS, only the maps they made and a compass to guide them. In today’s modern world basic map and compass navigation are being replaced by the convenience GPS, however when these miracles of technology fail it’s best to have...
Every year it’s the same old routine – mule deer, whitetails, maybe even a moose or an elk. But why stop there? British Columbia has some amazing hunting opportunities that can not only fill your freezer, but make for an interesting way to explore our own back yard –...
“How do you turn animals into meat?” and “What do I need to do to learn how to hunt?” asked...
One of the joys of harvesting a black bear, aside from the plentiful meat that gets put into the freezer,...
Most of my firearm use revolves around my hunting. When I head out to the range, I do so in...
With another fall season just behind us, I am already looking forward to the next hunt, whether it be next...
Anglers and hunters own some highly specialized gear. Much of it is exclusive to our particular pursuits, but there’s at...
Most of us remember our first rifle. Like many women I know, most were probably gifted an old faithful style...
Routine maintenance on your bow or crossbow is always important, but especially before hunting season begins and you’re about to...