Chilliwack, BC – After two years of anticipation, the BC Outdoors Show hosted its inaugural event. From April 8th through...
A disease-event has been found in the Grand Forks area of British Columbia and it has ravaged the local bighorn...
Funds raised through game banquets and rifle raffles have squared off against the profits from a corporate sports and department-store...
Looking for information about fishing and hunting regulations, openings, closure, updates and more? Here are some handy links to keep you in the know as you head out into the great outdoors.
The summer season is just kicking off and it’s time to start thinking about our article line-ups for the 2018 issues of BC Outdoors Magazine. We also want to make sure that any of our potential writers are keeping feature ideas on the brain as they set off for their...
Living here in BC is a true blessing for sportsmen and women, very few places around the globe can compare to our natural beauty and diversity. It is truly a place of wonder, yet I never truly realized it until I moved back from living in various places around the...
Moose (Alces alces) are an important game animal in BC. They are found from the US border to the Yukon and absent only from the mainland coast and the coastal islands. In central BC the forested plateaus, studded with lakes and ponds, have held some of the highest moose densities...
BC Outdoors, with its history of change, is changing once again. This time back to its roots, back to what made this magazine the most read outdoor magazine in the west. With our new ownership, and the creation of Outdoor Group Media, we have put the fishing magazine and hunting magazine back together, back where it belongs, in one big magazine.
...I began to wonder what the reaction gap is for a typical rifle toting hunter attacked by a bear. Like a police officer confronted with an offender armed with an edged weapon, at what point is it necessary to shoot, because if suddenly charged, you're too far behind the reaction curve to launch a meaningful defence? Since I had no idea, I determined to find out.