We are all aware that the popularity of hunting seems to be diminishing year to year. Even though we do...
My initial love of hunting stems from a connection to small-game hunting. Thanks to my dad, grouse hunting was my...
Venison has to be one of the most versatile meats to prepare. There are many methods we can use including roasting, pan frying, barbeque, sautéing , stews, soups and creating many different stir fry options. Recently I have been using a technique new to me called sous-vide. It is an...
Arguably, the hardest part of hunting comes after the trigger is pulled, and the animal is on the ground. You...
I was lucky enough to tour the Hornady plant last week in Grand Island, Nebraska. I was able to see some of their new products for 2016.
They have come up with some very interesting products. With the current trend/craze of long range shooting they have come out with a new...
I like sharpening knives. But I realize that probably makes me a little unusual. Most people think of knife sharpening...
It’s almost that time of year when shed season is behind us. Now, I’ll be whole-heartedly honest, shed hunting for...
Busted! A flick of his ear gave him away, disclosing an otherwise perfect hiding spot. Bedded in a hollow at...
Sitting in my safe downstairs I have my grandpa’s .30-30, on temporary loan from my dad; a Winchester Model 94(1894) manufactured in 1959. The rifle remains 100% original but not in 100% condition; there is a difference. The rifle shows years of use, honest wear from the field. Over the...
Nearly 50 years ago I was 14 and got an old, somewhat abused Mossberg bolt action 20ga shotgun. There was no bluing left and the stock was cracked because someone had used a 3” shell in the 2 ¾” chamber; but to a kid in love with ruffed grouse hunting...