With the rifle finished and spring bear season in full swing, it seemed sensible to bring the rifle into the field and see if I could connect on a bear with it. First I would need to spend some time with it on the range. I was curious to see...
Before the rut occurs in November, the first and final 15 minutes of legal shooting light is prime time for...
Most of us remember our first rifle. Like many women I know, most were probably gifted an old faithful style...
The last quarter of the year can feel a bit like a rat race – kids are back to school,...
Over the years I have come to the conclusion that for many of us recoil is very much akin to that skeleton we may have locked away in a closet that no one thinks about until it unexpectedly jumps out and scares the heck out of us. I believe that this is even more prevalent today than it was in the past, particularly with the advent of the many new super magnum cartridges and ammunition that abound these days.
Last fall we were hunting in the south central part of BC. A couple, I’ll call them Sarah and Paul, were traveling through and were staying at the same motel as I was. Paul hunted and Sarah was interested in getting into the sport. She planned on using his rifle...
Many of life’s milestones can be measured outdoors. One that has been lingering in my mind for the past several...
So satisfying! Crumpling birds and dusting clays always brings a smile to my face. The recipe for success starts with...
Marine life has a difficult time surviving the elements when the tide is out, during extreme temperature changes, in sun light, during changes in salinity levels and during oxygenation and these are all problems they face daily. There is a delicate balance required for survival and human interference can be...
There are some great memories made in the field in adverse weather conditions. Whether it is on a waterfowl hunt...