Since my unforeseen early return from Africa at the onset of the travel bans and COVID, and during my self-isolation,...
You pulled the trigger – target down! With the relatively easy part behind you, you and some buddies work your...
1. Remember the fish live in a gravity-free environment so minimize the time, if any, that the fish spends out of the water
2. If you are going to take a picture of a fish prior to releasing it then follow the 3 second rule, maximum of 3 seconds out of...
The last quarter of the year can feel a bit like a rat race – kids are back to school,...
When we are cutting up wild game, I like to take a bit of extra time on the stew meat...
“So what is that tattoo on your arm anyway?”
A lot of my conversations start that way with people who haven't seen it before and where it goes from there really depends on who I am talking to. If it's someone who doesn't know me well but understands fly-fishing, I will...
Christmas is full of hustle and bustle; with all the festivities going on, including some typically wonderful spreads for dinner,...
Wild game pot pie is the perfect meal to warm up after a day out in the cold! It is...
British Columbia’s resident hunters are in the fight of their lives. December 2014 saw the BC government award guide-outfitters a share of wildlife that is unprecedented across North America, given resident hunter demand. While most jurisdictions give 5-10% of hunting opportunities to non-residents, BC now gives non-resident hunters, or more importantly guide-outfitters who have exclusive rights to guide non-residents,
Well it’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year already; I leave next week for my first hunt of the 2016 fall season. I was successful in getting a draw for grizzly on the coast and I want to make sure my rifle is ready for the extreme...