You’ve spent months practicing your shooting skills and ranging targets. Shooting hundreds of arrows at targets in tight clusters make you smile with confidence. You’ve honed your skills in preparation of the hunting season and have your equipment working great. You head out hunting and are presented with a shot...
I got onto my belly and crawled 30 metres to the edge of a big aspen before sitting up and drawing my bow. Carefully, I came to full draw and settled my sight pin on my target. I felt confident estimating the range and slowly tightened the tension on my...
Jack O’Connor was North America’s original gun writer, and I believe much of his work is still very relevant today. His unique adventures and knowledge of firearms and ammunition gave him the label of an expert in most circles and his writing was instrumental in changing the way hunters looked...
Marine life has a difficult time surviving the elements when the tide is out, during extreme temperature changes, in sun light, during changes in salinity levels and during oxygenation and these are all problems they face daily. There is a delicate balance required for survival and human interference can be...
Throughout my travels and conversations with other hunters, it has become inevitable that the topic of conversation always turns to bullet performance and failures. Honestly, many hunters do not completely understand bullet design and their intended performance.Several years ago I shared a hunting camp with a hunter who was very...
It is a fact that petroleum products are harmful to the environment. They disrupt the cycle of coral reefs, suffocate fish by clogging their gills—resulting in their death—and impede the photosynthesis process of marine plants leading to their end. Large oil spills and toxic waste indirectly affect both humans and...
“Every inch of barrel will give you an extra 50 fps” is the good rule of thumb that has been followed for years in regards to rifle barrel length, except sometimes it’s wrong. I used to put a lot of faith in this theory but, the more time I spent...
Sex, Flys and First-Aid Tape
While fishing a lake, when it comes to entertainment out on the water most people rely on the fish or the act of fishing itself, practicing flawless casting while observing your surroundings so you can pick out the perfect fly or just enjoying the day and...
1. Remember the fish live in a gravity-free environment so minimize the time, if any, that the fish spends out of the water
2. If you are going to take a picture of a fish prior to releasing it then follow the 3 second rule, maximum of 3 seconds out of...
“So what is that tattoo on your arm anyway?”
A lot of my conversations start that way with people who haven't seen it before and where it goes from there really depends on who I am talking to. If it's someone who doesn't know me well but understands fly-fishing, I will...