It’s the time of year when our hands are the most beat up – we have been outside in the...
One thing I never tuck into my food pack is tea. I mean, really, there’s such a wide variety of...
“You should have left the knife stuck in your leg,” said the attending physician at the local emergency room. For...
It’s hard to narrow down what makes the perfect fishing trip. Is it the weather, the company or the fish?...
Despite there being a variety of activities to keep us busy in the outdoors over the winter, some of my...
If there’s one thing that is synonymous with Canadian winters as a child, it is making maple syrup snow candy...
Cold winds are blowing and snow is falling (or rain, depending on where in BC you are), which is the...
I did not have a good influence for adventure growing up, but my dad did take us fishing consistently. It...
The most elusive of creatures are found amongst the shadows. Dusk through dawn, slipping along the thickest of thickets, is...
It all begins when the decision to exit the warmth of ones sleeping bag is made. If it’s early in...