Preparation and planning go a long way toward strengthening your psychological state and arming you with the tools you need...
Most people dedicate some level of preparation to their adventures. To not prepare would be the height of foolhardiness. But...
First and foremost, when faced with a survival or traumatic situation of any kind, one must calm down. Take a...
What type of fire warms twice? The friction fire! One of the benefits of a friction fire is that it...
A lot can change in the course of a couple weeks. Now, many of us find ourselves adjusting to living,...
With the explosion of the survival industry, a plethora of books and TV series became available pretty much everywhere (and...
The irony of surviving is that for all the work you do to stay alive, all you really want is...
No shelter. No food. No fire. Except in the most extreme cases, these won’t kill you – at least not...
During the winter, the term “bitterly cold” will be tossed around a lot, and most folks just want to get...
This is a continuation of the Finding Water article from our May/June 2020 issue, which outlined the primary sources of...