So here we go, this is the first post in a series of blogs devoted to fly-casting techniques. I plan to start with good old fashioned single-handed fly-casting and then move on towards spey-casting and double-handed rods in later posts. However almost all of the casting pointers discussed will be utilized with both styles of fly-casting so it’s a good idea to stay up to date!
First lets briefly discuss rods, single-hand fly rods versus double-hand fly rods. Simply put, these two styles are exactly how they sound, one you cast with one hand the other you cast with two hands.
Which rod do you choose?
The biggest difference between the two is that the single-hand rod is much shorter, usually between eight- and 10-feet long. My thought is that you pick the single-hand rod for trout fishing small rivers and streams, general lake fishing and any fly-fishing where the presentation leans towards a stripped fly retrieve.
The double-hand rod is much longer, typically 11 to 16 feet. These rods are perfectly suited for large rivers, big lochs or lakes and any fly-fishing that requires a swing fly presentation, such as steelhead fishing in British Columbia. (Watch for my article in the September/October issue, it may just touch on something to do with steelhead in BC.)
Each rod will cast both overhead and Spey styles of fly-casting. So, simply pick the rod that fits your query.