Some days, all a person wants is a fast meal for dinner. No fuss, no pre-planning, and minimal time spent in the kitchen whipping up a masterpiece. This wild game sheet pan dinner fits the bill! Pick whatever vegetables you want (this is a good opportunity to clear odds and ends out of the fridge before leaving on a fishing or hunting trip!), top with your favourite pre-cooked wild game sausage and throw in the oven. It really is as easy, and tasty, as that.
- Pre-cooked wild game sausage (my favourite is a smoked country style bear sausage)
- Root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, etc.)
- Whatever other vegetables you can find in the fridge (think cherry tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, etc.)
- Tallow, butter or extra virgin olive oil
- A small pinch of dried herbs and spices (paprika, ancho pepper powder, oregano)
- Salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
If using root vegetables, dice them up into small pieces and place into a casserole dish or rimmed baking sheet. Add in oil of choice and place into the preheated oven. You want to do this prior to preparing and adding in the other vegetables, as the root vegetables will take longer to cook.
After the root vegetables are in the oven, dice and chop the remaining vegetables you want to add. Once the root vegetables have cooked for about 10 minutes, take the pan out of the oven, add in the remaining vegetables, dried herbs and spices (including salt* and pepper) and stir well. Top with wild game sausage (which can be sliced or whole) and return to oven.
Cook for 30 to 45 minutes, stirring halfway through to ensure even cooking (keep the sausage on top if it is not sliced). Remove from oven and serve.
*Use your own judgment on how much salt to add – some sausage, especially smoked sausage, can be incredibly salty and you may find it isn’t necessary to add a lot.
Hint: This is a great meal to make in one giant baking sheet, but don’t be afraid to make “individual” sheet pan dinners in smaller baking dishes if you have a wide variety of culinary preferences in your household.