Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser Coho and a Low outlook for WCVI Coho require that 2021 Coho management measures remain precautionary. Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery-marked only from 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2021 in Areas 21 to 24, 121, and 123 to 124.
Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas, or Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs). Fin-fish closures for 2021 will be announced in a subsequent Fishery Notice. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for further information.
Area 22 Nitinat Lake
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2021 you may retain two (2) Coho per day of which one (1) may be unmarked;
Effective 00:01 hours August 1 until 23:59 hours October 31, 2021 The salmon non-retention area in that portion of Nitinat Lake northeasterly of a line drawn from Windy Point to a boundary sign on the opposite shore.
Area 23 – Barkley Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2021 you may retain two (2) Coho per day one (1) of which may be unmarked except for;
Effective 00:01 hours August 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2021 in Subareas 23-1 to 23-3 (Alberni Inlet) you may retain four (4) Coho per day, one (1) of which may be unmarked.
Area 24 – Clayoquot Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2021 you may retain two (2) Coho per day, one (1) of which may be unmarked.
Refer to the following website link for a description of the Area and Subarea maps and for information on salmon non-retention areas and fishing closures:
Variation Order No. 2021-RFQ-0150; 2021-RCT-145
Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal waters of British Columbia.
The term “hatchery marked” means a fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.
Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labeling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and Coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.
Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) that are currently in effect and are closed to all fin-fishing. Descriptions of RCAs, other closures such as fin-fish closed areas and salmon non-retention areas, and other recreational fishing information, can be found on the Internet at: