FN0460-RECREATIONAL – Salmon – Southwest Coast of Vancouver Island – Areas 21 to 24, 121 and 123 to 124 – Coho Opening Times and Limits
Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser Coho require that 2020 Coho management measures remain precautionary. Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery-marked only from 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 in Areas 21 to 24, 121, and 123 to 124.
Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas, or Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs). Fin-fish closures for 2020 will be announced in a subsequent Fishery Notice. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for further information.
Area 22 Nitinat Lake
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 you may retain two (2) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked) except for;
Effective 00:01 hours August 1 until 23:59 hours October 31, 2020 The salmon non-retention area in that portion of Nitinat Lake northeasterly of a line drawn from Windy Point to a boundary sign on the opposite shore .
Area 23 – Barkley Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 you may retain two (2) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked)except for;
Effective 00:01 hours August 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 in Subareas 23-1 to 23-3 (Alberni Inlet) you may retain four (4) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked).
Effective 00:01 hours August 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 in Subareas 23-4 to 23-11 (Outer Barkley Sound) you may retain four (4) Coho per day, 2 of which may be wild (unmarked).
Area 24 – Clayoquot Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 you may retain two (2) Coho per day (hatchery marked or unmarked).
FN0461-RECREATIONAL – Salmon – Coho – Northwest Coast of Vancouver Island – Areas 25 to 27 and 125 to 127 – Coho Opening Times and Limits
Continuing conservation concerns for Interior Fraser Coho require that 2020 Coho management measures remain precautionary. Unless otherwise specified below, the daily limit for Coho is two (2) per day, hatchery-marked only from 00:01 hours June 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2020 in Areas 25 to 27 and 125 to 127.
Please be aware that these limits do not apply to fin-fish closed areas, or Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs). Fin-fish closures for 2020 will be announced in a subsequent Fishery Notice. Please check the DFO website referenced at the bottom of this notice for further information.
Area 25 – Nootka Sound and Esperanza Inlet
Subareas 25-1 to 25-3 and 25-6 to 25-16 (All Area 25 waters not including Tlupana Inlet).
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2020, you may retain two (2) Coho per day,(hatchery marked or unmarked);
Effective 00:01 hours July 15 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020, you may retain four (4) Coho per day, of which 2 may be unmarked.
Subareas 25-4 and 25-5 (Tlupana Inlet)
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020, you may retain four (4) Coho per day, of which 2 may be unmarked.
Area 26 – Kyuquot Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked) except for;
Effective 00:01 hours July 15 until 23:59 hours October 15, 2020 the following is a salmon non-retention area. That portion of Subareas 26-11 and 126-4 shoreward of
a line drawn from Clerke Point on Vancouver Island located at 50 degrees 04.870’N and 127 degrees 48.856’W, then to a point along the Checleset Bay RCA boundary approximately 1 nautical mile from shore located at 50 degrees 04.059’N and 127 degrees 49.949’W, then to a point approximately 5.4 nautical miles to the northwest located at 50 degrees 06.079’N and 127 degrees 57.696’W, then to Solander Island light at 50 degrees 06.662’N and 127 degrees 56.434’W, then north-easterly approximately 0.8 nautical miles to a point on Vancouver Island (Brooks Peninsula) located at 50 degrees 06.840’N and 127 degrees 54.980’W .
Area 27 – Quatsino Sound
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, (hatchery marked or unmarked) except for;
Subarea 27-4 (Brooks Bay)
Effective 00:01 hours June 1 until 23:59 hours December 31, 2020, you may retain two (2) Coho per day, hatchery-marked only.
Refer to the following website link for a description of the Area and Subarea maps and for information on salmon non-retention areas and fishing closures:
Variation Order No. 2020-RFQ-194
Refer to the following website link for a description of the Area and Subarea maps and for information on salmon non-retention areas and fishing closures:
Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal waters of British Columbia.
The term “hatchery marked” means a fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.
Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labeling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and Coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.
Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) are currently in effect and are closed to all fin-fishing. Descriptions of RCAs, other closures such as fin-fish closed areas and salmon non-retention areas, and other recreational fishing information, can be found on the Internet at:
For More Information:
Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or visit our website at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca.