FN0490-RECREATIONAL – Salmon – North Coast – Areas 3 to 5 – Chinook Salmon Daily Limits
Effective May 31, 2020 at 23:59:59 hours through July 14, 2020 at 23:59:59, recreational daily limit for Chinook salmon in Areas 3, 4, and 5 will be reduced one (1) Chinook per day. The Daily limit for Chinook salmon will return to two (2) per day on July 15, 2020.
These management measures are being implemented to address on-going concerns for Skeena Chinook.
Variation Order Number: 2020-RFQ-235
Possession limits are two times the daily limits.
Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal waters of British Columbia.
The term “marked” means a hatchery fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.
Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.
Anglers are advised to check http://bcsportfishguide.ca for fishing closures and other recreational fishing information.
Tidal Water Sport Fishing Licences can be purchased via any computer connected to the internet at https://www-ops2.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/nrls-sndpp/index-eng.cfm or by using Google search key words “Recfish Licence”.