Easy Crockpot Moose Roast Dinner

By Raeanne O’Meara

I don’t know about you, but autumn is the time of year I find myself clinging desperately to the quickly declining daylight hours. The seasonal shift is noticeable now – frosty mornings, longer nights than days, and vibrant colours. In the northern reaches of the province, the rush to get stuff done before the first hard freeze or snowfall competes with the lure of hunting and fishing.



Those daylight hours are precious! We multitask whenever and wherever possible. Morning walks with the dog are turned into grouse hunts, weekends spent cutting a load of firewood up meld into an evening moose hunt as we work our way home. There is a time and a place to be in the kitchen, but dang it, beautiful fall days are neither the time nor the place!


I used to be a huge fan of crockpot cooking when I first moved out on my own, but over the years have drifted towards preferring a cast iron Dutch oven. Yet to be convinced to switch over the insta pot as I simply do not have the room in my kitchen, the crockpot remains a staple when I am crunched for time. This easy, dump it all in one pot and forget about it until its done recipe is not the fanciest meal on the planet, but it is good, wholesome food that will fill your belly after a day spent outside.



Crockpot Moose Roast Dinner

One two to three pound moose roast

One medium onion, diced

3 cloves of garlic, minced

2 cups beef stock

4 large medium potatoes, cubed

Salt and pepper, to taste

Fresh or dried herbs, to taste (I prefer rosemary and thyme with moose meat)


Making a moose roast dinner (complete with potatoes for a side dish) couldn’t be easier – season the roast and potatoes with whatever herbs, salt, and pepper you prefer, then place the roast as well as all the other ingredients into the crockpot. Cook on low for around eight hours, then enjoy!