Our first hunting dog we got was a Brittany, aptly named Bullet. Now, like many dogs, Bullet was highly food motivated. Not one to pass up a snack, he didn’t take long to wolf down whatever was placed in front of him – from his kibble to milk bones to an unattended fish head, it disappeared fast. It was no surprise then that on our first visit to the vet, he was thrilled to discover that the ladies at the clinic had the most delicious of treats: dehydrated liver. The liver was so tasty, in fact, that he proceeded to choke on them immediately and leave me nervously chuckling to the vet, “Well, I guess we are at the right place for this to happen, and no, it doesn’t happen every time he eats.” He was fine, we had a good laugh about it, and I never forgot his love of dehydrated liver.
My wallet, however, does not love buying liver dog treats from the store – they are pricey! While I always save the liver from our wild game for our own human dinners, I don’t mind purchasing raw liver from the meat department of my local grocery store to make my own dehydrated liver treats for the dogs right at home.
Dehydrated liver treats are not only a great high-value treat for training your dog, they are also rich in nutrients and vitamins.
You will need
- Liver
- A dehydrator
Making dehydrated liver treats is a breeze! Simply slice liver into 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch strips, and place onto the racks of the dehydrator. At a temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, dehydrate for approximately eight hours. The liver strips should be slightly pliable. They can be stored whole as strips and then broken down into little pieces to use for treats. Store in a mason jar in a cool, dark place.
Please note: Too much of a good thing isn’t healthy for anyone, and the same goes for our pets. While dehydrated liver treats are a high-value treat for dogs and excellent for training, too many can lead to complications, such as hypervitaminosis A, which is an excessive amount of vitamin A in the liver. Break the treats into small pieces and use them sparingly.